Buy A Brick

Brick at a Time
One interior wall of the Museum will be bricked. For $250, you can have your name or message* inscribed on a brick. Such inscribed bricks will remain for the life of the Museum. Silver level Museum Members receive a $50 discount on bricks. Gold Members receive a $75 discount and Platinum members receive a $100 discount on each brick. Each brick purchaser will receive a color photo of the engraved brick.
Standard bricks are 4” X 8” and can accommodate up to three lines of copy, up to 20 spaces/letters per line.
Your logo can be part of the brick in black for no additional charge if your logo is supplied in digital form.
A broad of array of clip-art is available including most dogs, 24-cat breeds as well as horses and rabbits. If you supply a digital line drawing, we can probably put it on your brick along with limited copy.
*Messages and art on bricks must meet Museum-acceptable standards.